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Eating Motivational Quotes

28 Intuitive Eating Quotes to Honor Your Body

Embark on a Journey of Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is a mindful approach to nourishment that prioritizes body cues and nourishment over rigid rules. It's a liberating journey towards a healthier relationship with food and your body. To inspire your exploration, let's delve into 28 thought-provoking quotes that capture the essence of intuitive eating.

Quotes to Empower Your Body

"Came from a plant, eat it. Was made in a plant, don't." - Michael Pollan, author and journalist

"Needing some Monday or anyday motivation to help you... choose freedom with food." - Joy Food Sunshine, LRD

"Food is not the enemy. Stress is not the enemy. You are not the enemy. Let's work together to find balance and nourishment." - Chelsea Reynolds, MSW, RDN

Quotes on the Power of Listening

"When we listen to our bodies, we learn to honor our hunger and fullness cues, and we can let go of the guilt and shame that often accompanies eating." - Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD

"Pay attention to the signals your body is sending you. Your body knows what it needs." - Sarah Gottfried, MD

"Listen to your body's wisdom. Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full." - Dr. Mark Hyman, MD

Quotes on Cultivating Self-Love

"Your body is amazing. Treat it with respect and love. Nourish it with healthy food, and it will nourish you back." - Christy Harrison, MPH, RD

"Be kind to your body. It's the only one you've got." - Ellen DeGeneres, comedian and television host

"You are not your weight, your body, or your eating habits. You are so much more." - Lindo Bacon, author and health activist


These intuitive eating quotes serve as beacons of wisdom, inspiring you to embark on a path of mindful nourishment. By honoring your body's cues, practicing self-love, and breaking free from rigid food rules, you can cultivate a healthier relationship with food and with yourself. Intuitively nourishing your body becomes an empowering journey towards lasting well-being and a renewed appreciation for your remarkable vessel.
