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Labour Party Brexit

Labour leader sets out 'red lines' on Brexit

Sir Keir Starmer says he will seek a much better deal with the EU if Labour wins the next election

But he rules out rejoining the EU's single market or customs union, or adopting free movement

The Labour leader has set out his party's "red lines" on Brexit, saying he will seek a much better deal with the EU if Labour wins the next general election.

Sir Keir Starmer said he would rule out Britain rejoining the EU's single market or customs union, or adopting free movement, in Labour's manifesto.

He said: "We will not go back into the single market or the customs union. We will not have freedom of movement." His demands seem that of the Tory Brexiters in the past. Hard for Brexit supporters to argue and now Labour are wanting a better deal than the one Boris Johnson signed. This could prove to be a tricky one.
